We operate a Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) when night time temperatures are predicted to be freezing or below.
Our Rough Sleeping Team work hard to verify rough sleepers throughout the year, especially during the SWEP period. They provide support,conduct welfare checks and provide temporary accomodation to keep them safe in extreme weathers.
During office hours rough sleepers can self-refer and outside agencies can refer individuals to the Housing Options Service Housingneedsteam@gravesham.gov.uk and out of hours referrals can be made by contacting the emergency telephone number, 01474 564 422.
There is the opportunity for the individual to remain in Temporary Accommodation following the deactivation of SWEP, providing the client engages with the RSI team and engages with the RSI process of completing an RSI Needs Assessment, providing relevant information/ documentation and all support offered thereafter.