Councillors and meetings
Find out more information about the councillors and meetings in Gravesham.
Elections and voting
Find out how to register to vote, change your details on the electoral register, and view historical election results.
Have your say
The latest planning application notices and public licence notices are displayed in this section, along with current consultations.
Policies, strategies and open data
Our policies, strategies, registers and open data are all available in this section.
Budgets, audits and accounts
Our Financial Services department ensures sound financial monitoring of our budgets are in place.
Freedom of information
The Freedom of Information Act gives you the right to access recorded information held by public sector organisations.
Fraud is a criminal offence. Our Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy is designed to prevent fraud, promote detection and support investigation.
Climate Change
Find out how we tackle Climate Change.
Gravesham Gateway
Gravesham Gateway is where you can access a wide range of public and voluntary services under one roof.
Greater North Kent
We work in partnership to promote greater prosperity, opportunity and quality of life in North Kent.
Contact us
Speak to one of our customer services team, or complete many services online.