Do you have a pet project, big idea or key issue to flag up, which would improve local prosperity?

A draft Economic Growth Strategy for Gravesham has been prepared and we would like to invite your input, feedback and future involvement.

Draft Economic Growth Strategy

Draft Economic Growth Strategy (accessible version)

The Economic Growth Strategy for the Borough was drafted prior to the pandemic and recognised the opportunities for investment and growth in Gravesham in the coming years.  We cannot ignore that the Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on national and local economies and its implications have yet to fully materialise.

However, despite these uncertainties we believe that the commitments and objectives set out in the draft strategy remain broadly true for Gravesham.

We very much welcome business views on whether that is the case and as we take this strategy forward, what you think the priorities are for future economic change and growth in Gravesham.  Your comments will be invaluable in updating the strategy and formulating action plans.

Have your say

The summary document is designed to be read quickly, alongside the below survey and on page 15 includes a Plan on a Page, made up of the seven key themes of the Strategy.

We welcome your feedback by completing the below survey.

Please visit our socials and share with friends, colleagues or businesses who may also have an interest.

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