Submit an FOI request
If you want to submit an FOI request you can email us at
Please note that some information can't be made public. This includes information covered by the Data Protection Act 1998, information used as criminal evidence, security information and data bound by public interest tests. This is a test that Freedom of Information requests are judged against and certain exemptions apply unless it is in the public interest to release that information.
We will let you know whether the information you have requested is available. If it is, the information will be sent to you.
How long does it take?
The Freedom of Information Act gives us 20 working days to deal with a request for information.
What if I’m not happy?
You have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted to our Information Governance Officer within two months of the date of our response.
If you're still not happy you have another right of appeal to the Information Commissioner.