If your Council Tax account is in credit you can request a refund.
Your account may be in credit because you have:
- Overpaid
- Moved to another address
- been awarded a Council Tax discount
Owe money to the council?
If you owe any money to the Council, such as a parking ticket or housing benefit overpayment, we can use your council tax credit to reduce the amount you owe. When completing the refund form, complete the transfer credit section.
Claim a refund
Tell us what you wish to do with your credit and provide all the details requested. Everyone named on the council tax bill must sign this form. We cannot do anything with your credit without all their signatures.
For payments made by direct debit we will usually refund the credit to the same account. For recent payments made by credit or debit card we will return the credit to that card where possible.
Download, complete and return the refund request form.
You can return them in the post or via email to council.tax@gravesham.gov.uk