Our YouTube account is used to broadcast our live Committee meetings to the public.
All Committee meetings take place in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent DA12 1AU unless stated otherwise.
Meetings usually start at 19:30, except for the Planning Committee which start at 19:00. If you wish to attend a meeting, please check the start time on the front page of the agenda in advance.
Members of the public are welcome to attend public Committee meetings in person. Visit our YouTube account or access via the link on the front page of the agenda.
Please note that the Council will endeavour to live stream/record all its public Committee meetings. On some occasions this may not be possible, due to the meeting being held in an alternative location for example Annual Council/Mayor-Making Ceremony, technical fault with the equipment or the meeting may be through a shared arrangement with another local authority and/or legislative reasons.
View the agendas for Committee meetings online.
The Openness of Local Government Regulations 2014, gives rights to members of the press and public to record and report on meetings using a variety of modern technologies. So we can assist, we ask where possible to advise the Committee Services Team at least two working days before the meeting on 01474 337314 or email committee.section@gravesham.gov.uk. You will be guided on an appropriate place to position yourself to report effectively.
The request should include the following information:
- which meeting this request refers to
- the name, organisation (if applicable) and contact details of the person making the request
- what equipment is intended to be used (e.g., camera/audio recorder/video camera/ laptop)
By attending a public meeting, you are agreeing to being recorded or photographed. If as a member of the public, you do not wish to be photographed, filmed or recorded please inform a Council staff member in attendance at the meeting and we will try to assist, where reasonably possible.