- Further details
Off Street Parking 2023 - 24
Income: Fees / charges £1,071,067 Penalty charge notices £154,861 Total Income £1,171,928 Expenditure: Non Domestic Rates £142,717 Depreciation £120,214 Staffing Costs £218,720 Rent £29,600 Cleaning, maintenance & repairs £14,747 Banking Costs £4,992 Overheads recharged £26,220 Other misc expenditure £4,244 Income Handling Fees £95,637 Total Expenditure £657,092 Returned to General Fund Returned to General Fund £514,836 The income generated from car parks forms part of the council's fees and charges, which together with council tax, business rates, and government grants combine to provide the funding necessary to pay for the services that the council provides.
On Street Parking 2023 - 24
Income: Fees / charges £289,348 Penalty charge notices £464,582 Total Income £753,930 Expenditure: Staffing Costs £260,101 Overheads recharged £246,322 Amortisation £8,026 Equipment, Maintenance & Materials £123,852 Legal Expenses and Costs of Collection £57,856 Total Expenditure £696,156 Transfer to Earmarked Decriminalisation Reserve £57,774 Net Income/Expenditure 2022/23 Net Income/Expenditure £0