Further details


Off Street Parking

Fees / charges £1,071,131
Penalty charge notices £159,186
Total Income £1,230,318
Non Domestic Rates £150,567
Depreciation £136,402
Staffing Costs £64,850
Rent £29,600
Cleaning, maintenance & repairs £20,259
Banking Costs £5,225
Overheads recharged £28,090
Other misc expenditure £6,460
Income Handling Fees £114,697
Total Expenditure £556,150
Returned to General Fund
Returned to General Fund £674,168

The income generated from car parks forms part of the council's fees and charges, which together with council tax, business rates, and government grants combine to provide the funding necessary to pay for the services that the council provides.

On Street Parking

Fees / charges £303,128
Penalty charge notices £453,069
Total Income £756,196
Staffing Costs £366,485
Overheads recharged £232,936
Amortisation £8,026
Equipment, Maintenance & Materials £91,326
Legal Expenses and Costs of Collection £55,657
Total Expenditure £754,429
Transfer to Earmarked Decriminalisation Reserve £0
Net Income/Expenditure 2022/23
Net Income/Expenditure £-1,767