Consent form
Every premises licence that authorises the sale of alcohol must specify a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS). This will normally be the person who has been given day to day responsibility for running the premises by the premises licence holder.
This person will need to complete the form: Consent of individual to being specified as premises supervisor
The only exception is for community premises which have successfully made an application to remove the usual mandatory condition set out in the 2003 Act.
Community premises
The 2003 Act was amended in 2009 to allow certain community premises which have, or are applying for a premises licence that authorises alcohol sales, to be the responsibility of a committee or board of individuals with responsibility for the management of the premises (Management Committee).
Community premises are defined as premises that are or form part of a church hall, chapel hall or other similar building; or a village hall, parish hall or community hall or other similar building.
If you are applying for a premises licence for a community premises and you wish to remove the requirement of a designated premises supervisor please contact the office for the form. Email us on There is no extra fee when this form is submitted with the new licence application.