Right to work / Immigration status

To get a licence for entertainment or to sell alcohol, you must have the right to live and work in the UK. This applies to individuals applying for a licence and individuals in a partnership (unless it's a limited liability partnership).

Any premises licence issued in respect of an application made on or after 6 April 2017 will become invalid if the holder ceases to be entitled to work in the UK.

Who can't get a licence?

You can't get a licence if you:

  • Don't have permission to live and work in the UK.
  • Have any restrictions on your visa that prevent you from working in this kind of job.

Important: If your right to work in the UK ends after you get a licence, your licence will be cancelled.

How to prove your right to work:

There are two ways to show us you can work in the UK:

  1. Give us copies of your documents: You can send us copies of documents that prove you can work in the UK. 

  2. Use the online check: You can give us your 'share code' from the Home Office online right to work checking service. You can get a share code on the GOV.UK website. We'll use this code and your date of birth to check your right to work online.

What if I can't get a share code?

Not everyone can get a share code online. If you can't get one, you must send us copies of your documents.

Important: We will check your information with the Home Office. We might also share your information with them. We won't make a decision about your application until you have followed these instructions.

In order to establish the applicant’s right to work, the check will need to indicate that the applicant is allowed to work in the United Kingdom and is not subject to a condition preventing them from doing work relating to the carrying on of a licensable activity.

An online check will not be possible in all circumstances because not all applicants will have an immigration status that can be checked online. The Home Office online right to work checking service sets out what information and/or documentation applicants will need in order to access the service. Applicants who are unable to obtain a share code from the service should submit copy documents as set out above.

Your right to work will be checked as part of your licensing application and this could involve us checking your immigration status with the Home Office. We may otherwise share information with the Home Office. Your licence application will not be determined until you have complied with this guidance.