Light image being projected onto a church

We are pleased to be bringing this new event to brighten up the dark evenings during the last week of January.

Recognising how the use of light can change the look and feel of places and spaces, we are pleased to be bringing this new event to brighten up the dark evenings during the last week of January.

We hope residents and visitors will enjoy exploring the town in a new light; experiencing the mix of culture and heritage delivered in this exciting way.

We have teamed up with artists and local businesses and have been greatly supported by a professional architectural lighting company who have repaired and installed new lighting around the town to compliment the festival and draw out key features of some of our historic buildings.

Light image being projected onto a church

Strange Cargo, a Kent based arts company, is the lead arts organisation for this event and that’s what Brigitte Orasinski, the Artistic Director, had to say about their involvement with the project.

‘ We were excited by the architecture of the town centre and its patchwork of buildings of all sizes and designs in the Heritage Quarter.

Gravesend’s history is visible at every turn and as we navigated the arrangement of streets, we encountered narrow alleyways leading to charming green spaces with statues honouring the town’s past and present heroes in parks and churchyards; and of course, the magnificent River Thames.

We delighted at the idea of setting the light festival in the Heritage Quarter, as every location in this part of town leads downhill to the river.

The circular route means that people are able to stroll around, visiting each light installation, before deciding whether to turn right or left to seek out more artworks just around the next corner.

Most of the works have been specially made for Gravesend and we are delighted to bring the talents of the artists involved to this exciting event.’

Date: 29th January 2022.

Location: Town Centre

Cost: FREE

Time: 16:00 - 20:00