What are your charges?

We charge a monthly fee of 5% + VAT (6% inc VAT) to manage your property, and £150.00 inc VAT to set up your tenancy (including an inventory, tenancy agreement and all administration leading to the start date.

When will I get my rent?

You will receive your rent on the 1st of each month every month, the only exception will be bank holidays or weekends, when we will ensure your rent is paid the working day before.

Who does your repairs?

Our preferred contractor is Rosherville Repairs and Maintenance Ltd; however, you are more than welcome to provide your own contractors information.

Where do you find your tenants?

Your tenant will be chosen from our current households in Gravesham who are in urgent need of accommodation. Every tenant will be vetted to ensure the property is suitable and affordable.

Will the tenants be paying a deposit?

The tenants will be using a deposit bond provided by Gravesham Borough Council which will cover up to 1 months' rent of damages to the property.