If you are concerned about an adult you've seen sleeping rough, you can report concerns online to the StreetLink.
If you think the person sleeping rough is under 18, please call the police on 999.
Streetlink will ask you to provide:
- a specific location for the rough sleeping site
- the time you saw the rough sleeper
- any information about the rough sleeper that will help find them (gender, approximate age, what the person looks like, what they are wearing).
Your information will help the authority's outreach service find the individual and connect them to support.
StreetLink will tell you about the action the local authority normally takes when they are told someone is sleeping rough in their area. If you've asked for an update, you can get details of what happened because of your alert.
Due to data protection requirements we will not be able to provide updates on individuals. We may work with someone for some time before we can help them find accommodation.