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We are teaming up with other Kent councils for an exciting joint campaign this month to support Plastic Free July!

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We’ll be sharing social media posts with you each week of July including a quiz, video series and competition where you can win some amazing prizes.

Small actions can have a big impact.  For example, why not make a difference by switching to a reusable coffee cup?

Here's why it matters:

  • Environmental impact: In the UK we use 7 million disposable coffee cups every day. After being used just once, most are destined for the bin as less than 1% are recycled due to being made from a mixture of plastic and paper.
  • Money saving: Did you know that many cafes offer discounts when you bring your own cup? It's a win-win situation! Not only are you reducing plastic waste, but you're also saving some pounds in the process.
  • Style statement: Reusable coffee cups have become a trendy accessory, allowing you to express your personality while being eco-friendly!

Stay tuned on our social media channels for updates, competition details and more exciting announcements.

This Plastic Free July, let's come together and take action!

Published: Tuesday, 4th July 2023