Gravesham Borough Council’s housing team has embarked on a series of visits to its estates to meet with tenants and answer their questions, address any concerns and give general help and advice.
The council’s mobile housing hub made its first visit to The Hive in Northfleet on 11 December, bringing festive entertainment as well as senior managers from the housing team.
Tenants were able to book repairs and home inspections, report damp and mould issues, get advice on rent and rent arrears, report anti-social behaviour or raise any other issues they needed to.
Cllr Karina O’Malley, Gravesham Borough Council’s cabinet member for housing services was also part of the team visiting The Hive.
She said: “With almost 6,000 council-owned homes in the borough, it’s important that we are available to our tenants to help them with any problems they may have.
“While every tenant has a designated housing officer and a 24/7, 365 days a year online reporting system is available, in person contact remains vitally important, and our mobile housing hub gives us the opportunity to get out into our communities and hear first-hand what they want to tell us.
“There may be minor problems that a tenant doesn’t feel important enough to report that we pick up on during these visits that we can sort quickly and easily, or a more pressing issue that we can ensure is being dealt with in a satisfactory way.
“We very much enjoyed meeting with tenants at The Hive and are looking forward to visiting other communities in the coming months.”
Future visits for the mobile housing hub include:
- 29 January: Lawrence Square, Northfleet, 10am-2pm
- 14 February: Medhurst Gardens, Gravesend, 10am-2pm
- 6 March: Longferry, Portreeve, St Andrew’s, Gravesend, 10am-2pm
- 8 May: Gravesham Court and Homemead, Gravesend, 10am-2pm
- 18 May: Wallis Park, Northfleet, 10am-2pm.
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