This page gives you some information on our map based Traffic Regulation Orders.
What is a Traffic Regulation Order?
A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) is a legal document that allows us to regulate the on street parking controls in the borough. A TRO contains a lot of information, including, but not limited to, the type of restrictions that are in place, the times they apply, if any exemptions are available (for example, parking permits) and if so, who can apply.
We have recently moved to map-based on street TROs and this information is now available to view online via the Kent Traffweb.
What can I see on Kent Traffweb?
Kent Traffweb is an online service that allows you to view our map-based TRO so you can check exactly where parking restrictions are located and see what type of parking restrictions are in place in the borough.
Information on how to use the site is displayed when you first access the site.