In October 2019, we invited a team of Peers from the Local Government Association (LGA) to undertake a Corporate Peer Challenge. The main purpose of the peer challenge was to help provide a corporate overview, an external check and reassurance that what we're doing, and planning to do, looks relevant and realistic.

As part of the review process, the LGA Team offered to return to the council to undertake a follow-up review.  The council invited the team back and a follow-up review was undertaken by the team in March 2021.  

The team reviewed progress against the actions resulting from the original review in October 2019, and recognised that good progress had been made on the majority of these, despite the council needing to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

report was prepared by the LGA to set out their findings and they recommended a number of follow-up actions for the council.  These have been reviewed and an action plan developed to show our commitment to further progress our improvement journey. Both the council’s Management Team and Cabinet have signed up to delivery of the action plan.