When you comment on a planning application, we ask for:
- your name
- your address
- your email address
- your phone number
- your comment, which may include personal information. Such as health issues that would be exacerbated by proposed development.
If you have registered on Public Access to comment on a planning application, your personal details will be recorded on the council’s planning database, Uniform. A copy of your comments will be stored in the council’s document management system, NEC. All comments received by email or writing, will be manually entered onto Uniform and stored on NEC, and your comments will be made available on the Public Access system.
Comments may include material considerations, which we consider when determining planning applications. All comments given are held on our planning system and document management system along with your contact information.
To be transparent, we normally publish the full text of the comments provided.
We will redact your name, email address, phone number and property name or number. You should be careful not to provide any personal data or special categories of data in your comments which may identify you. If you do, be aware that these will be seen by the public, unless this is a category of data that the Council routinely redacts.
We will usually provide a summary of your comments, where they contain a material planning consideration. This is included in our delegated and committee reports as part of the decision-making process for an application. These reports are published on our website via Public Access and accessible to the wider public.
Members of the public and planning agents can request copies of representations, including requests under Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Requests. We will redact all personally identifiable information and special category data before any documents are released.
If the Council's decision on the application is appealed, the Government's Planning Inspectorate, who considers the appeal, will ask for copies of all application correspondence and copies of your comment or objection will be provided to the Planning Inspectorate. Please read the Planning Inspectorate privacy notice.
If it is decided that the application is to be considered by Planning Committee, copies of your comment or objection will be shared with Members of planning committee (on request).
View the planning committee details.
The council maintain an accurate record of all planning applications and associated documents which will permanently remain on the council’s Planning database (Uniform) system and be available to the public on the council's website.