The reasons we use your data
- Statutory requirements e.g. reporting to Government
- Service delivery
- Service improvement and planning
- Regulatory and enforcement functions
- Prevention and detection of crime
- Financial transactions
- Debt recovery
- Payment of benefit and take up
- Research
- Equality Monitoring
Why we are allowed to use your data
Legal obligation under various UK laws including but not limited to:
- The Local Government Finance Act 1992
- Local Government Finance Act 1988
- Local Government Act 1972
- Social Security Administration Act 1992
- Social Security Contributions Act
- Housing Benefit Regulations 2006
- Housing Benefit (Persons who have attained the qualifying age for state pension credit) Regulations 2006
- The Localism Act 2011
- The Equality Act 2010
- The Local Government Finance Act 2012
- Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
- Fraud Act 2006
- The Welfare Reform Act 2012
- Customer Support Grant – Welfare provision
Who we can share your data with
- Judicial Agencies e.g. Courts, Tribunals
- Police
- Education Providers
- Internal council departments (e.g. empty homes, environmental health)
- Other Local Authorities
- Immigration Service
- Government Departments e.g. HMRC, DWP, DCLG
- Contractors providing revenues and benefits services (e.g. off-site processing, personal budgeting support, emergency food provision etc.) and IT services
- Elected Members
- Enforcement agents
- External Auditors/Solicitors
- Cabinet Office (National Fraud Initiative Exercise)
When computers make any decisions about you
Not applicable
When your data gets sent to other countries
Not applicable