We're pleased to publish the Gravesham Open Space, Sport & Recreation Assessment, Strategy & Action Plan.
This work has two main components.
Three technical, evidence based assessments. These documents cover the current provision of indoor sports facilities, playing pitches and open spaces.
These documents contain information on Gravesham's specific needs, plus any demand shortfalls or surplus.
Together, all of the above documents provide strategic evidence on what open space, sports and recreational provision is needed within Gravesham, taking into account the expected population increases.
What uses this evidence has?
- We'll use the assessments and strategic recommendations to inform the development of planning policies, including the need for supplementary planning documents. This is carried out in order to inform future planning application decisions and future corporate/strategic development opportunities as and when they arise.
- A range of organisations, including sports clubs, leisure facility operators and schools, will be able to use the information. It can be used to help with future business planning, opportunities for improved or new provision, and potential bids for external funding.
We'll play an active role in promoting the successful implementation of the Gravesham Open Space, Sport & Recreation Assessment, Strategy & Action Plan whilst recognising that the delivery of the strategy relies upon working with partners to deliver the vision. It should be noted that Sport England has signed off the Playing Pitch Strategy in recognition of its compliance with their guidance on how such documents should be produced.