Dropped kerbs / vehicle crossovers

A dropped kerb is a dip in the pavement and kerb that allows you to drive your vehicle over the pavement onto a driveway outside your property.

What is needed

You must seek permission from Kent County Council, (KCC) as the Highways Authority,to drive over a public highway or a grass verge to gain access to your property.

If your proposals affect the public highway, including grass verges, shrubs and trees, you will require the formal agreement of Kent County Council (KCC) as highway authority, and you should visit KCC’s website (highways permissions and technical guidance) before submitting your planning application. Engaging with highway officers at an early stage in the design process may save you time and money by making it more likely that your proposals will be acceptable to the highway authority.

For KCC to proceed with your application, a ‘Dropped Kerb Confirmation Letter’ must be obtained from us (the Council). This will confirm if planning permission is required to support your application.

Apply for a dropped kerb confirmation letter through our pre-application advice service. This service is not free of charge.

Planning permission

Planning permission is to ensure the safety of other road users and utilities. The classification of your road, as set by the Highways Authority, determines the need for planning permission.

A Classified Road: Classes A, B or C, will need planning permission from the Council to construct a driveway.

An Unclassified Road may also require planning permission.

Find the classification of your road on Find My Street.

Unclassified roads

You may require planning permission if any of the following apply to your property regardless of it being on an Unclassified Road:

  • The proposed access crosses a highway verge (grass, tarmac, or other hardstanding)
  • You intend to pave over more than five metres sq. of the forecourt in non-porous materials
  • Your proposed access requires engineering works, such as changes to ground levels or building of structures
  • Your property is a Listed Building, in a Conservation Area, subject to an Article 4 Direction
  • Affects a tree which is protected by a Tree Preservation Order
  • Is a flat, maisonette, business or community use building
  • Other development is taking place which requires the access; or the site is already subject to a planning condition restricting the creation of access or parking spaces.

Advice and guidance

Our guidance document provides information on the steps to take when applying for a Dropped Kerb.

Driveway Design guidance document details materials and criteria used to assess planning applications.

For information about charging points for your electric vehicle at home, see our guidance document for Electric Vehicle Charging Points.

If you are required to apply for planning permission, we can provide guidance on how to overcome issues that may impact the success of your application, though our paid pre-application service.

You may choose to hire a planning consultant from the Royal Town Planning Institute Directory, to help with the smooth running of your project and guide you on your permitted development requirements.

Things to do

Things to avoid

  • Installing a dropped kerb or use a new access point without permission from KCC
  • Apply to KCC without a Dropped Kerb Confirmation Letter from the Council
  • Assume you do not need planning permission if your road is unclassified as certain criteria apply to unclassified roads that will require planning permission from the Council

Applying for Planning Permission

If required, apply for planning permission online.

Find out what drawings and supporting evidence must accompany your application by reading our Vehicle Access & Crossover Bite Size Visual Guidance

Ready to apply KCC

Please ensure you have the appropriate information to support your application, such as the confirmation letter, or planning permission beforehand.