Financial Strategy

The Medium Term Financial Strategy outlines how we plan out finances to support the direction of our objectives.

This is supported by the Change Strategy, forms the efficiency plan for the council. 

Budgets and monitoring

Budget monitoring is reported on a quarterly basis to Cabinet and the Finance & Audit committee.

Civic Budget Book is published, setting budget requirements for the new financial year (April to March).

Statement of accounts

A Statement of Accounts will be produced for each financial year ending 31 March. The Statement of Accounts summarises our financial performance during the year and includes key financial statements supported by notes. The council will produce draft Statements that will be published on the Audit of Accounts page and subject to external audit. Final Financial Statements will be published, once they have been audited by the council’s appointed auditor, currently Grant Thornton UK LLP

View our Financial Statements

Treasury management

We are required to produce an annual Treasury Management Strategy and an Investment Strategy. This sets how money will be borrowed for investments.

The Capital Strategy is a high-level overview of how capital expenditure, capital financing and treasury management activities.

The Finance and Audit Committee see these strategies before Full Council approval in March.

We are required to prepare an annual and mid-year report on progress of the Treasury Management Strategy.

External Auditor Appointment

In December 2022, Grant Thornton was appointed as external auditors.