
We can investigate complaints from:

  • members of staff or safety reps working at the premises who wish to complain about conditions on site or incidents on site
  • members of the public who wish to complain about conditions on site or incidents that they have seen or been involved with on site

How to Make a Complaint

It is important to contact the Commercial Team as soon as possible by emailing or phoning 01474 337598

What We Need to Know

  • Your details – these are never released to the premises but we need to be able to contact you to let you know the outcome of our investigation
  • Your connection with the premises
  • Details of the incident and any injury sustained
  • Details of any other witnesses

What Happens Next

We may visit the premises to investigate the complaint only or this may be used as a reason to inspect the premises. When the investigation is complete (this may take some time), we will decide on the appropriate course of action in accordance with our published Health and Safety Enforcement Policy and notify you of the action take.

In certain circumstances, we may decide that it is not necessary to carry out a detailed investigation. This could be due to the fact that the premises has been recently inspected or is due for an inspection in the near future.