Gravesham Borough Council is required by legislation to charge for the removal and disposal of trade waste.
This agreement will remain in force and the applicant shall continue to remain liable for all applicable charges until such time as the applicant informs Gravesham Borough Council of the intention to terminate this agreement, in writing, giving at least one month’s notice.
Gravesham Borough Council is under no obligation to remove or dispose of trade waste/trade recyclable waste and reserves the right to refuse to collect or receive any trade waste/recycling at its absolute discretion. Trade waste/recycling will not be collected in the following circumstances:
Where bins are not accessible by 6.30am on the day of collection, are not easily accessible and/or cannot be emptied safely.
Where lids on trade bins are not fully closed.
Where contaminated recycling bin/sack cannot be recycled; a contaminated administration fee will apply.
Where contaminated mixed waste cannot be emptied as stated in 6. Below.
A maximum weight of 100 kg.
Application for the collection of trade waste/trade recycling must be made on the trade waste agreement, which must be completed in full in, dated and signed (in the case of a company or business organisation by an authorised person who should indicate his or her position within the company or business organisation). You should keep a copy.
Any equipment supplied by Gravesham Borough Council shall always remain the property of Gravesham Borough Council.
The applicant shall always ensure that any such equipment supplied by Gravesham Borough Council is not overloaded, there is a maximum weight limit and shall ensure that it does not contain any harmful or toxic substances/ hazardous waste /liquids / hard-core or building waste/ soil/ bulky items e.g. chairs, mattresses etc., large electrical items e.g. florescent tubes, TV, printer, computer etc. Any item not listed in the EWC Codes – mixed trade waste 20 03 01 or card/paper waste 20 01 01. A list can be found on the Environmental Agency website.
The applicant shall always while any equipment is under the applicant’s care and control be responsible for the siting of the equipment and for any injury, loss or damage caused to any property or person howsoever caused.
Charges are payable monthly, one month’s in arrears for collection period. Accounts are due on receipt of invoice within 8 days, unless paid by monthly Direct Debit which are taken on 21st of month invoice is issued. Collections will be suspended, and waste containers removed on non-payment of account. To reinstate the collection service Gravesham Borough Council reserves the right to charge an administration fee of £25.00 payable before collections restart.
Gravesham Borough Council will remove excess waste unless you state on the trade waste contract, ‘no excess to be taken’ when agreement is signed. Additional charges will apply and be invoiced.
New agreement will require a Direct Debit to be set up.
The application shall in addition to any notice to terminate this agreement (one month’s written notice), also give Gravesham Borough Council one week’s written notice to the following changes:
Any change in the address of the applicant, or in the case of a company or limited liability partnership, any change of address of the Registered Office.
Any change in the ownership or control of the business.
Any other material circumstances which may affect the liability of the applicant under the agreement.
The applicant must complete and return an annual Duty of Care Controlled Waste Transfer Note. Failure to complete an annual Waste Transfer Note will result in cessation of collections and an administration fee of £25.00 made to restart collections, payable in advance.
Council staff have the right to work in a safe environment without fear of intimidation, abuse, or assault.
Gravesham Borough Council reserves the right to withdraw the service and cancel this Agreement with immediate effect if any of these conditions are not adhered to.