Air quality monitoring within Gravesham
We complete continuous air monitoring at our A2 Trunk Road air station.
It monitors Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matter (PM10) emissions from vehicles on the A2 Trunk Road.
Since the Northfleet Industrial AQMA was revoked after 15 continuous years of compliance, the industrial background Air Station at Lawn Road has been decommissioned. Historic data from these stations can be accessed from KentAir.
Air Quality monitoring is also carried out by passive diffusion tubes measuring average levels of Nitrogen dioxide at key locations around the borough. There are currently approximately 70 tubes out in the borough measuring both background and roadside Nitrogen dioxide levels.
Weekly and monthly summaries on Nitrogen dioxide, Sulphur dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Particulate Matter and Ozone, where measured in Kent are also provided.
Your can view Gravesham's Air Quality Reports including monthly and annual air quality monitoring reports and Annual Progress Reports on the Kent Air website.