We are responsible for pruning or removing trees at specific locations in the borough.
Before you report a tree for pruning or removal, first check below whether the tree is in a location that we manage.
We'll deal with complaints about trees on our land if the problem is about:
- The health of the tree
- The safety of the tree
- Damage being caused by the tree
- When a tree has blown down
We won't deal with complaints about:
- Blocking of light or shading – if trees are cut back there is only a short term gain as they will quickly put on reactionary growth that makes these problems worse
- Blocked TV signals – as there is generally an engineering solution that can solve the problem rather than cutting back healthy trees
- Excessive leaf or fruit fall – this is deemed as a seasonal nuisance
- Overhanging branches – landowners are entitled to cut back trees overhanging their property provided they don't damage the long term health of the tree
- The tree's height or size is an unfounded cause for concern – just because trees are big, it doesn't mean that they are dangerous
If there is a problem with one of our trees, try to get as much information as you can about the tree before reporting it to us including the exact location and type of tree
Which trees and hedges are we responsible for?
- Those growing in our owned parks and open spaces
- Those growing on Council Housing land, for example, St. Patrick's Gardens and Fountain Walk communal garden areas
- Those growing in Gravesend and Northfleet Cemeteries
- Trees growing in closed churchyards
Which trees and hedges are we not responsible for?
- Those growing in roadside verges or on footways (these are the responsibility of Kent Highways)
- Those on Parish Council land (these are the responsibility of the relevant Parish Council)
- On council house gardens (these are the responsibility of the individual council tenant)
- Trees on private land (these are the responsibility of the landowner)
Worried about a neighbour's tree?
For information on what you can do with neighbouring trees, or to find out whether a tree has a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), please visit our Protected trees and woodlands page.
Worried about a neighbour's hedge?
We are not responsible for removing hedges or shrubs from private land. This is the responsibility of the landowner. Visit our High hedges page to find out how to raise a complaint about a neighbour's high hedge.
Report a problem to us
You must provide a valid reason for reporting a tree (see above). Please note that some trees may have a Tree Preservation Order on them, and there would be a limited amount of action that we could take.
We don't look after trees on private land. It is the landowner's responsibility to look after these areas.
Example: A neighbour's tree is overgrowing into your garden. This is private land, and is the responsibility of the homeowner.