It is your responsibility to check the area for restrictions before parking. Failure to follow parking restrictions may result in a Penalty Charge Notice.
Find information about your parking permit zone.
If you would like to see parking restrictions that apply to a specific road, you can view our map-based Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) using Kent Traffweb.
Mean that no parking is permitted 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in other words ‘at any time’. Signs are not required for this restriction. Indicate a shorter period of restriction and mean that at some time of the day parking is restricted. The days and times of the restrictions will be shown on a nearby yellow time plate. In place throughout the main Town Centre in New Road, High Street, King Street and part of Windmill Street for the safety of pedestrians during the core hours. The restriction does not require any road markings and is signposted at each entry point to the zone and at intermittent points throughout the zone. No parking is permitted at any time, and between 10am to 8pm no vehicles are permitted. During these times, the gates to the zone are closed. Between 8pm through to 10am, the gates are open and this is for drive through access only unless loading / unloading or displaying a valid disabled badge. Are shown by single or double yellow lines with the addition of yellow marks on the edge of the kerb. There are different types of loading restrictions, as shown below: Shown by a white marked bay along with lettering on the road. There will also be a sign to indicate the times the loading bay applies. If a sign does not detail any timings, this indicates that the loading bay applies 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Some of our loading bays become Taxi Ranks overnight. Signs next to the bay will show this. For disabled badge holders only. 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A valid disabled badge must be displayed to be permitted to park. There is no time limit for disabled badge holders. Please visit our disabled parking and bays section for more information about where you can and cannot park with your blue badge in Gravesham. Are not usually marked on the road but are signposted at each entry and exit to the clearway and at intermittent points throughout. No parking is permitted at any time in a clearway. Tactile paving areas by dropped kerbs are in place to allow ease of crossing for pedestrians and in particular, wheelchair and push chair users. We will enforce vehicles parking across or obstructing these dropped kerbs. Lines and signs are not a requirement, dropped kerbs are clearly visible. Private dropped kerbs, such as those outside a property to access off street parking/driveways are not enforced by us. Kent Police are responsible for parking contraventions where there are no on-street parking restrictions. Please see the Kent Police website. Are often marked by yellow zig-zags with the wording ‘school keep clear’ and indicate that no stopping or parking is permitted at certain times, specifically around school start and finish times. Signs indicate the times that these restrictions apply. They are in place for the safety of children when going to and leaving school so it is important to think of their safety. Are enforceable 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The restriction is marked by white zig-zag lines along with the crossing area. Parking on the footpath around the crossing is also prohibited, the restriction is in place to ensure clear view for pedestrians using the crossing, as well as motorists approaching the crossing. Are marked by a yellow bay along with a sign. The sign will indicate the times the taxi rank applies. If a sign does not detail any timings, this indicates that the taxi rank applies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Taxi ranks are not for parking, only for waiting to pick up a customer so taxis should not be parked to pop into town or similar. The taxi should not be left unattended. Are for buses only and no other vehicles are permitted to park at any time. These are shown by road markings and signs. The highway code states that you must not drive or park in a cycle lane marked by a solid white line. Do not drive or park in a cycle lane marked by a broken white line unless it is unavoidable. Unless signs indicate specific times, the cycle lane applies 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Restrictions do not require line markings, but are signposted within the affected area. Outside of London, parking on the verge / footway is only enforceable if a verge / footway restriction is in place or if another restriction is in place on the carriageway, for example a double yellow line. It is important to think of the safety of not only drivers, but also pedestrians when parking. Whilst you may think you are doing vehicles a favour parking on the footpath, you may be restricting access for pedestrians, and in particular wheelchair and push chair users. Consists of seven zones: A, B, C, D, F, G and H. Restrictions vary from road to road during the day, for example pay & display parking or limited free parking, although most share a similar resident permit holders only restriction between 6.30pm through to 8am, seven days a week. Residents can apply for resident and visitor permits. Permits are only valid on the marked zone bays and are not valid on other restrictions in the zones, such as single and double yellow lines. If you would like to know the restrictions that apply in a particular street within our residents parking scheme, please use our street name search. Please note that the search will only show streets in a Residential Parking Scheme. The Permit Parking Area (PPA) is in place across a large area surrounding the Town Centre, as well as in various rural areas - Higham, Meopham, Northfleet, Sole Street and St James Avenue. Signs are in place at each entry to the zone informing motorists of the times the restriction applies, with smaller repeater signs throughout the zone. PPAs do not require any road markings, but you may still find other markings such as double yellow lines or timed bay restrictions. The PPA restriction times are different in each zone. Residents within PPAs are permitted to apply for PPA permits for themselves and visitors vehicles. PPA permits are only valid on the PPA restriction and are not valid on other restrictions within the zone, such as single and double yellow lines and timed bay restrictions. If you would like to know the times that a PPA restriction applies, please use our street name search. Please note that the search will only show streets in a Residential Parking Scheme.More information
Double yellow lines
Single yellow lines
Pedestrian area
Loading/Unloading Prohibition
Loading bays
Disabled bays
Dropped kerb
School restrictions
Pedestrian crossings
Taxi ranks
Bus stops
Cycle lanes
Footway / verge parking
Resident Parking Scheme
Permit Parking Areas (PPAs)