What is the Corporate Plan?

The Corporate Plan sets out our ambition for the borough and the actions we are going to take to achieve this.

In October 2023 we adopted our new Corporate Plan covering the 2023-27 period, with the ambition of creating a borough where we are; Together - Proud to be Gravesham.

The plan is based on a number of sources; consultation with our community, statistics outlining community needs in the borough, the manifesto pledges of our elected administration, and the council’s available resources over the period.

Our Objectives

In seeking to deliver against our ambition, we have established a suite of corporate objectives.

Each objective has its own portfolio of activities and initiatives but, importantly, have been designed to work with and support the other objectives for the benefit of our local community.

  • #oneborough: a safe, clean, and attractive living environment, enhanced by a sustainable and increasingly energised local economy.
  • #onecommunity: an active, engaged, and culturally enriched population, built on the foundations of an affordable and quality local housing offer.
  • #onecouncila well-run and innovative authority, defined by its skilled and valued workforce, committed to developing its local social impact.

Corporate Plan 2023 - 2027

View an accessible version of the Corporate Plan

To understand how we monitor and report on our performance in delivering against our ambition for the borough, please view the Corporate Performance page.