Dog theft prevention
The Dogs Trust has reported that incidences of dog theft have been increasing over the past few years and that dog owners need to be vigilant.
They advise that over 2000 dogs a year are stolen from their families, with break-ins to property and theft from outside of shops being the most common types of dog theft incidences. The Dogs Trust are urging owners to never leave their dogs unattended in public areas and to consider a number of small changes they can make to help protect their pet.
Residents can find advice from the Dogs Trust about how to keep their dog safe by visiting the Dogs Trust website.
By following three simple steps, owners can reduce the risk of theft and offer the best possible chance of being reunited with their dog should they go missing.
It’s important to keep your dog:
- SAFE - Secure your property and garden
- SPOTTABLE - Keep them in sight and trained to return
- SEARCHABLE - Know what steps to take if they go missing
Dogs Trust is the largest dog welfare charity in the UK. They have been giving stray and abandoned dogs a second chance for over 125 years.