With an online Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction account you can: 

  • Make a new claim
  • Let us know about a change of circumstances
  • Use the online portal to view decision notices
  • Upload documents

Housing Benefit helps you pay your rent if you're on a low income. Claiming Housing Benefit won't affect any other benefits you get.


Housing Benefit is being replaced by Universal Credit. Most people who require help with their rent must now claim Universal Credit.

You can make a new claim for Housing Benefit if either of the following apply:

  • You have reached State Pension age - unless you are in a mixed-age couple
  • You are in supported, sheltered or temporary housing

For more details on who can claim Housing Benefit, see the Government website.

If you are in one of the eligible groups, to qualify for Housing Benefit you must be paying rent.

When we work out the amount of Housing Benefit you are entitled to, we look at:

  • How much money you have coming in
  • Your personal circumstances and the amount of rent you have to pay. If you rent from a private landlord, the maximum rent you can receive is determined by the Local Housing Allowance.
  • The amount of savings you have (more than £16,000 will normally disqualify you, unless you receive Pension Credit Guarantee Credit)
  • If you have lodgers, grown-up children or relatives living with you, your benefit may be reduced. This is because the Government consider that other adults should contribute to the household. The amount of contribution depends on their age and income.

Housing Benefit cannot help with mortgage payments. For more information on what help you can apply for with mortgages, please refer to the Money Advice Service.

You can use our Benefits calculator to find out what you are eligible for.