Anti-social behaviour

Tackling anti-social behaviour (ASB) is a local priority and we recognise that persistent nuisance and ASB can have a very damaging impact on quality of life.

ASB includes a broad range of issues that may cause harassment, alarm or distress to other people e.g. noisy/rowdy behaviour, public drunkenness and verbal abuse.

Reporting ASB

Residents and businesses can help tackle ASB by reporting it promptly. This helps us identify areas that are causing concern.

If you are in danger, always call 999.

If it is not an emergency you can contact Kent Police using 101, or if you are a Council Housing tenant you may wish to contact your Housing Officer.

You can use our online form to report anti-social behaviour.

Anti-social behaviour strategy

We have produced a dedicated Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy 2019-23 which explains the approach being taken to reduce ASB across Gravesham.

Report abandoned shopping trolleys

Abandoned trolleys are often thrown into nearby rivers, canals, and roadways where they can endanger wildlife, the ecosystem and residents. To report an abandoned shopping trolley please use the Wanzl abandoned trolley reporting tool.

ASB case review

For serious and persistent cases of ASB, find out more about the ASB case review. (Formerly known as the community trigger)

ASB case review