Housing delivery and land supply

Housing Delivery Action Plan 2020

By preparing an Action Plan, we are positively responding to the challenge of increasing housing delivery. The Action Plan identifies practical measures for improving local housing delivery and is informed by local evidence and research of key issues.

Gravesham’s Action Plan is a living document that is regularly updated.

View the Housing Delivery Action Plan 2020

Housing Land Supply

We have to identify and annually update information on what sites we have available to provide five years' supply of housing land. This is measured against the requirements set out in Policy CS02 of the Gravesham Local Plan Core Strategy  and is intended to help boost the supply of housing.

You can find a copy of our current five-year housing land supply statement by using the following link

View Gravesham Five Year Housing Land Supply Statement (2022 - 2027)

Gypsy and Traveller Land Supply

Alongside land for general housing, we are required to identify and update information on land available to provide a five years’ supply of Gypsy and Traveller sites. This is currently measured against the evidence of accommodation need set out in the Gravesham Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) 2018. 

Read the current five-year Gypsy and Traveller land supply statement.

Further information

If you’d like further advice or information, please email planning.policy@gravesham.gov.uk