What types of comments can we consider?
We welcome your views on planning applications. You can comment on a planning application to:
- support it
- give us your views on it
- object to it
For comments to be taken into account, they must include the name and the address of the person. Your comments will be made available online for the public to see. This will include your name and address but we will not display your telephone number or email address.
We will make sure any other personal or sensitive information is removed where needed. This is as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation
What can you comment on
We can only take into account comments that concern relevant material planning considerations and not those based on personal dislikes, grievances, non-planning issues associated with nuisance claims or legal disputes, etc.
Examples of material considerations include:
- The site design and external appearance of proposals, such as height or bulk in relation to neighbouring properties
- Loss of sunlight of daylight
- Loss of privacy
- Likelihood of excess noise or fumes
- Concerns over parking, access or impact on traffic
- Effect on trees or landscape
- Proposals for boundary treatment (walls or fences)
What can't you comment on
Objections which are generally not planning related and not normally taken into consideration include:
- Effect on property valued
- Effect on a buildings structural stability (this may be covered by the Building regulations)
- Noise, disturbance or inconvenience resulting from construction works (this is covered by the Control of Pollution Act)
- Boundary disputes (including Party Wall agreement issues)
- Restrictive covenants (including rights to light)
- Opposition to business competition
- Applicant's personal circumstances (unless these can be shown to be relevant in planning terms e.g. provision of disabled facilities)
- Opposition to the principle of development for which outline planning permission has already been granted
If you have a complaint related to any of these issues, you should normally seek a remedy under civil law rather than planning law. You may need to consult a solicitor about your rights in this context.
What happens when comments are received?
All comments received are read and, where they concern material planning considerations, are taken into account in the determination of the application they relate to.
A summary of comments received is included in the planning officers' report and where appropriate the comments will be referred to by the planning officer.
Any relevant comments received from statutory and non-statutory consultees are also specifically referred to within the report.