Terms and conditions

Service Availability

The PublicAccess service is normally available for 24 hours, 7 days a week, except for periods set aside for system maintenance which will usually take place between the hours of 0100hrs to 0130hrs Monday to Friday and at 0955hrs to 1115hrs on Sunday as we perform a full system backup.

Data Protection

Gravesham Borough Council seeks to comply with all statutory requirements including the Data Protection Act (1998) in all its transactions.


Gravesham Borough Council seeks to ensure that the information it publishes on its websites is up-to-date and accurate. However, the information on these websites does not constitute legal or professional advice and the Council cannot accept any liability for any loss arising in any way whatsoever out of the use of its sites. The Council cannot be held responsible for the data policies, procedures or contents of any other websites referenced by or linked to from its own websites.

Copyright notice

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the Council are protected by the Copyrights Act (Section 47, 1988 Act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

Maps supplied by the Ordnance Survey are published under their conditions for 'Business Use Publishing'. All rights reserved. Unauthorised reproduction infringes crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.

Viewing Documents within PublicAccess

All the documents associated to a planning application are stored as an Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF), which makes sure that they are virtually identical to their paper based counterparts. To get the free Acrobat Reader, visit the Adobe website and download Adobe Reader.

The following additional terms relate to the Planning information available:

Viewing plans and other documents

This service includes the ability to view related documentation such as application forms, site plans, drawings, decision notices and other relevant papers for all planning applications received from 1 December 2005. An exercise is under way to gradually capture and publish related documentation for all applications made prior to this date also, but please bear in mind that this will take time to complete. Progress on the work will be reported here.

For enforcement enquiries we only publish copies of enforcement notices and enforcement appeal decision notices issued in respect of cases.


The online planning history contained within the site at present is incomplete and should not be relied upon in connection with a property transaction. Anyone that wishes to obtain planning information for this purpose is advised to carry out a local land charges search through the Council's Local Land Charges Section or the National Land Information Service using one of the official licensed channels. The company supplying this system are NLIS Searchflow, telephone 0870 990 9946 or via the NLIS website.

Under normal circumstances, new planning application information will be able to be viewed online within 5 working days of receipt of the application. If it is not available you may wish to try again a few days later, or you will be able to view the planning application information in addition to the plans and associated documents at Gravesham Borough Council's offices during normal office hours. Gravesham Borough Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain planning application information for confidentiality or other reasons.

By accessing the PublicAccess link, you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions.