Rules and regulations
1) Your plot must be fully cultivated
Keeping the weeds down and grass cut is not sufficient.
To have a successful plot you must be attending the site regularly and must be prepared to attend multiple times a week especially during the hot weather.
If you are unable to keep your plot fully cultivated, please speak to the Allotments Assistant about the possibility of reducing the plot size.
2) Boundary fences or adjoining properties
There should be a gap of at least 2 feet free from weeds and obstructions between an allotment plot and any adjoining boundary fences or properties. This is to prevent damage and allow the fencing or property to be accessible for maintenance purposes.
3) Pathways and access
Always leave a clear pathway between allotment plots to allow for inspections.
Paths must be kept free from weeds and debris; every tenant is responsible for paths surrounding their plot.
Please help us and your fellow allotment holders and help keep the paths accessible for all.
Use of chippings could help to keep paths clear and free from weeds keeping maintenance to a minimum.
4) Bonfires
If any tenant feels that a bonfire is absolutely necessary, it is very important to follow the below points:
- Do not start any bonfire during daylight hours bonfires are only every permitted to commence at dusk but in the summer months must never be before 7pm.
- Do not create a big bonfire but keep it small and contained ideally within a small garden incinerator.
- Do not leave the plot until the bonfire is completely extinguished.
- Do not start a bonfire if there is wind, wait for the right weather conditions.
- Do not burn any type of plastic or any polluting material such as carpets or tyres.
Please note that failure to comply with the above could result in your tenancy being revoked.
5) Sheds
You must apply in writing before placing any type of shed.
The maximum size for a shed is 6 feet x 4 feet and must not contain any glass. (Same rules for greenhouses). Please be aware that it may also become a focus for theft or vandalism.
The use of any type of CCTV / camera equipment is forbidden – any such devises will be immediately removed.
6) Glass and barbed wire
Glass and barbed wire or anything similar are not permitted anywhere on the allotments.
7) Fruit and other trees
The planting of any type of tree is NOT permitted.
Trees planted will be removed
The planting of fruit bushes is acceptable providing they are kept under control.
8) Safe use of water on allotments
- Never leave any hoses connected to the taps. The consequences of the back contamination of the water supply could be very serious.
- Never leave the end of a hosepipe in a water butt or other container.
- Never leave the end of a hosepipe on the ground. Keep it at least 150mm above ground level.
- Never leave any water butt uncovered as it could be contaminated and make sure you discard any stagnant water
- It is preferable to use a hose to fill a water butt and then use a watering can to water your plants at their base.
Water Taps
These will be turned off during the winter months to protect the pipes from frosts.
Please do not turn them back on.
9) Rubbish
Must not be allowed to accumulate on the allotment.
You are responsible for removing rubbish from the plot not the council.
10) Use ground covers
The use of carpet as any type of ground cover is BANNED on every allotment site.
There are serious environmental concerns about the various dyes and glues used in the manufacture of carpets, these may seep into soil and cause contamination to crop and water irrigation.
There are also the practical concerns about the disposal of carpets from allotments once they have outlived their purpose. Carpets do not decompose well and are extremely heavy and difficult to remove once they become soaked and caked with mud and weeds.
Only the use of a weed control membrane made for gardening and cultivation.
11) Children and dogs
Children are welcome on the allotments, all children must be supervised at all times and you must not allow them to wonder the site freely as they may unintentionally cause damage to other tenants crops or may hurt themselves.
Children under 18 are not permitted on any allotment site without adult supervision
Your dog must be always kept under control; this means on a lead, confined to your plot. Dogs must not be allowed to wonder freely, nor should they be allowed to defecate on surrounding plots.
All dog waste must be removed from the site and disposed of responsibility.
12) Other people working on your plot
If you have anybody working the plot with you on a long-term basis, you must request that we amend the tenancy agreement so that it is in both your names.
- Any person added to a tenancy must live within the borough of Gravesham
- They must have been working the allotment with you for a period of 6 months or more before they would have any rights to take over the allotment should you decide to give up due to ill health or relocating outside the Borough.
- The plot must be in a good state of cultivation in accordance with the tenancy agreement.
Please note subletting any part of your allotment is strictly forbidden anyone found to be doing so will have their tenancy revoked without notice.
13) Pest control
You can find information on our pest control pages.
If you choose to use your own pest treatment methods, they must be humane, avoid risk to the public and non-target species e.g., cats, birds etc., and be compliant with UK law as well as the manufacturer’s safety instructions.
The council will not normally take action with regard to removing foxes because other foxes will simply move into the vacated territory.
If you notice a nest, please contact the Allotments office to advise of the location and we will make necessary arrangements to remove it safely.
14) Change of address
If you move you are obliged, under the terms of your tenancy agreement to inform us in writing of your new address.
Please note that you can only keep your allotment if you continue to live within the borough of Gravesham.
15) Speak to us
If you find yourself in a position where you will not be able to attend the plot regularly whether it be ill health, work commitments, extended holiday, or if you are struggling to cultivate the whole plot, do please get in touch as we will do our best to provide you with advice and will work with you to try and find a solution for you.
How to get in touch
We are available 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
When writing or messaging us please remember to give your name, site, and plot number.
Landline: 01474 337 493
Mobile: 0707874 884548 (can be used for text and WhatsApp communication)